
STRESS Story #1

The art of procrastination at work tonite!
This semester of 6 credits brought minimal work load for me
and I have been quite comfortable with this easy schedule.
Suddenly there was a big project due but neither Jonny or I
were aware of its challenging nature.

The task was to review a standardized test and critique it following
a specific rubric given by the instructor (very very detailed and sick).
Our test to be critiqued is the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
We certainly under estimated this Cambridge British-English based exam.
CPE is the highest level Cambridge ESOL exam, at level C2 of the Council of Europe's
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
If you are able to function effectively in almost any English-speaking context
and are approaching a standard of English similar to that of an educated native speaker,
then this is the exam for you.
It is harder than expected, meaning it was much harder to critique and write about!


We thought it could be done over night within a few hours.

We waited till 5pm to start and ended at 5:30am (2 hours of food consumption in between)
The total time needed to produce this report is approximetly 10.5 hours
Pages produced: about 20 pages
Brain power used: 101%
Level of fatigue: VERY HIGH!

But since we have a master's in the art of procrastination, I am pretty sure
our results of this report will be posititve! We are overachievers :P
Tomorrow we must present this report orally to the class! This will be fun!

So after tonite's torture what have i learned?

Will I not procrastinate anymore? Ha.... this question is better left unanswered!


Stress Story #2
Spring Break is coming soon... we decided on Sunday March 17 - Friday March 23.
Destinations: Six Flags Magic Mountain in L.A., San Diego, and possibly Mexico!
YAYAYAYAYA excited but pretty stressed out about it!
We do not have a fixed itineary yet, but hopefully will decide before the weekend!
However Im sure it will be a lot of fun! ESPECIALLY magic mountain and THURSDAY!


Stress Story #3
I am gonna be an ESL instructor at the Truckee Meadowoods Community College
Adult Basic Education program starting MArch 21st!
Well March 26th since Im gonna be gone for spring break!
Hum the monday right after spring break!


Definetly did not see that coming!

Level I will teach: High Beginning level
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursdays

What the hell am I going to teach to these grown ups?


Conclusion: Stress #1 is taken care of. Stress #2 should be easy to take care of.
Stress #3.... I will take care of it somehow! :D
yeah and i get addicted to writing long essays after writing 20 pages!

AND HAPPY WHITE (Valentine's) DAY to all! :D yayayayayayayaya

    創作者 amstar 的頭像

    交大 秦毓婷 (Tiffany)

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